Britain media: Wind Power of China Leading the World, a Green Giant

来源: 发布时间:2016年06月22日 阅读量:

Source: Reference News    Date:2016-06-22     Page view: 196

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Reference News reported on June 22 that a Britain media expressed that a new study finds out by 2030, a quarter of power in China will be generated by wind power; if energy reform is launched, the number can be nearly one third.

It’s reported by the Guardian on June 20 that within the next 14 years,China will see more new generator units connected to the line and the main part is green energy, which is more that capacity in the USA and will enhance China as a rising green giant.

Valerie Cuprus, assistant professor in MIT and a joint writer of the study report, said that Beijing wanted to increase capacity of wind power by 3-5 times by 2030.

She said: “Chinais the leader of wind power in the world, significantly far ahead.”

It’s reported that the capacity of wind power in China is 145 gigawatts (GW), which covers Europe andAmericain the shade, though not all the wind power generation units in China have been connected to the grid. By 2030, renewable emery source will meet 1/5 of energy demand in China.

Oliver Joy, spokesman of Europe Wind Energy Association, said: “If we don’t implement long-term policies, the leading position of Europe in renewable energy will be a history. If we achieve this, by 2030, a quarter of energy in Europe will come from renewable energy. It is worth noting that the investment of renewable energy around the world created new record last year, but that in Europe declined by 21%.”


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