China Specifying the Bottom Line for Using Wind Power and PV for the First Time

来源: 发布时间:2016年06月03日 阅读量:

Source:Beijing Business Today  Date:2016-06-03  Page view: 257

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While China is striving to promote new energy, in the first quarter, the wind power abandoning volume increases by 8.5 billion KWH and PV abandoning is growingly serious in PV industry. For this issue, NDRC issued Notification of Implementing In-sum Purchasing Management for Wind Power and PV Power, which regulates the min. guarantee purchased hours in key areas of PV power and wind power; it’s the first time that China has specified the purchase standard after launching several rounds of guarantee purchase.

Specifically, the key areas of PV power and wind power will be classified into type I and type II based on the seriousness of the existing issues and the corresponding purchased hours of each area vary; the max standard of PV power is 1500 hours and the min standard is 1300 hours; for wind power, the max standard is 2000 hours and the min is 1800 hours.

Taking Xingxia, Jiayuguan inGansu, Karamay in Sinkiang, etc. for example, based on the regulations of the Notification, the guarantee purchased hours is 1500 hours, which means that the government has to purchase the power when the consumption is less than this standard to support new energy generation companies.

 “This can be called a “bottom assuring” measure to solve the issue that PV power and wind power can’t be consumed in some areas and relieve the issue of abandoning PV power and wind power within a short term”, said Lin Boqiang, Director of China Energy Economy Research Center in Xiamen University, “However, this policy alone can’t solve the issue in the present situation where power in China is redundant massively in China. In the future, the construction of wind power and PV power should be slowed down in the areas where wind power and PV power abandoning is serious. In addition, to eliminate the issue of wind power and PV power abandoning, PV power and wind power should be deployed in the cities with wide prospects.”

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