The Volume of New Energy Connected with State Grid Ranking Top in the World

来源: 发布时间:2016年03月16日 阅读量:


It is shown in State Grid Promoting Development of New Energy White Book (2016) that the new energy development inChinais in leading position in the world. By 2015, the installed capacity of wind power and solar power has reached 170 MKW, accounting for more than a quarter in the world. The installed capacity of wind power and solar power within the range of dispatching by State Grid has reached 116.64 MKW and 39.73 MKW respectively, which has made State Grid of China the largest grid in the world connected with new energy.

Zhang Zhengling, spokesman of State Grid, introduced that in 2015, the new energy in China had grown dramatically; the installed capacity of wind power and solar power had created new records respectively; the installed capacity of wind power had ranked the top in the world for 4 continuous years and installed capacity of PV exceeded Germany and became the first in the world. By the end of 2015, the installed capacity of wind power inChinahad reached 128.3 MKW, of which 81% is located in “3-north” areas inChina. The installed capacity of solar power had reached 41.58 MKW, of which the installed capacity of solar power in southChinahad reached 21 MKW, accounting for a half of the solar power installed capacity ofChina. The new energy in 14 provinces had risen to the second largest power supply; inGansu, Ningxia and Sinkiang, the installed capacity of new energy had been more than 30% of total installed capacity of local area. In 2015, the wind power generation inChinawas 185.1 billion KW/h, rising by 16% on year-on-year basis; solar power generation was 38.3 billion KW/h, rising by 64% on year-on-year basis.

It’s learned that within period of “the 12th 5-year plan”, the total investment in new energy connection and transmission by State Grid amounted to 84.9 billion Yuan,37000 kmof new energy grid connection lines and transmission lines were added and4681 kmof inter-province new energy transmission channels had been completed. In 2015, the inter-province and inter-region out-transmission new energy reached 29.4 billion KW/h, rising by 54% on year-on-year basis. The new energy power generation from clean substitution and new energy consumption reached 2.7 billion KW/h; for electricity substitution, 76 billion KW/h was substituted, for which consumption of new energy was promoted. The distribution type PV grid connection users in the area covered by State Grid operation had been increasing fast; 15691 users and 2.08 MKW were added in 2015; 22627 users in total were connected to the grid, rising by 226% on year-on-year basis. The total grid connection capacity is 4.73 MKW, rising by 78% on year-on-year basis. In 2015, State Grid had invested 301 million Yuan in R&D of new energy technology, rising by 5.5% on year-on-year basis. 71 R&D tasks had been carried out and construction of national key lab of new energy and energy storage operation control had been approved.

Zhang Zhengling expressed that some areas began to abandon wind power and solar power; the basic reason was that the new energy development didn’t match the market, lack of inter-province and inter-region power transmission channels, irrational power supply structure and incomplete policy system. For the limits to development of new energy, inter-region HV power transmission channels were eager to be constructed; the relationship between market and energy and between power and grid should be coordinated; the marketing system to consume new energy in larger scale should be established and inter-province and inter-region power consumption should be promoted.

According to the general power supply plan of National Energy Administration in period of “the 13th 5-year plan”, the research of State Grid proposes that in 2020, two synchronic grids will be built in east and west China, the wire frame with clear structure of receiving and transmitting ends and harmonious development of AC and DC will be established, complementary advantages of wind power and solar power in larger area will be realized and large-scale development and high use efficiency of new energy will be promoted. It’s expected that by 2020, the installed capacity of new energy inChinawill reach 410 MKW, of which wind power will be 240 MKW and solar power 150 MKW. At the end of the period of “the 13th 5-year plan”, the volume of “west power transition to east” project carried out by State Grid will rise from 110 MKW (present volume) to 310 MKW. The new energy transmitted from “3north areas” to East and Middle China will reach 148 MKW.


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