SGCC Threw Great Plan to Build Global Energy Internet

来源: 发布时间:2016年02月03日 阅读量:

Source: SGCC Date: Feb. 3, 2016

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In order to realize the conception of Global Energy Internet, the largest grid company in China, State Grid Corporation of China (hereinafter referred to as State Grid) established an enterprise named as Global Energy Internet Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Global Energy Internet Company).

According to the information shown by the National Business Standing Information Announcement System, Global Energy Internet Company was built in Dec. 31, 2015, with State Grid as its institutional shareholder and registered capital RMB 100,000,000. President of State Grid Liu Zhenya was the legal representative of this company.

The system also showed that, the main business scope of Global Energy Internet Group Co., Ltd. covered the following: group headquarters management; the strategic planning of Global Energy Internet; the project development of transnational interconnection of power grids; investment and financing and assets operation control.

On Feb. 2015, the book Global Energy Internet written by Liu Zhenya was issued for the first time in Beijing, which put forward the conception of the construction of “Global Energy Internet” for the first time.

According to the definition of State Grid, Global Energy Internet was a firm smart power grid of global interconnection, with EHV power grid as its backbone net frame. It was a basic platform to develop, allocate and utilize clean energy widely all over the world, and virtually “UHV grid + smart power grid + clean energy”.

In the construction of Global Energy Internet, UHV grid is the key, smart power grid is the basis, and clean energy is the key point. If built, this net will be an “Internet of Things” which integrates energy transmission, resource allocation, market transaction, information exchange, and intelligent service, and will become a “huge system” of co-construction and sharing, interconnection, open and compatible.

On Jan. 21, in the High-Level Investment and Financing Seminar on Global Energy Internet held in Hong Kong, Liu Zhenya showed to the outside that, up to 2050, they would realize the goal that global clean energy proportion reaching to 80%, and the accumulative investment in Global Energy Internet would exceed $ 50 trillion.

As reported by Sina Finance, Liu Zhenya announced in this high-level seminar on global Internet investment and financing that, they would collect strength at home and abroad to promote the development of Global Energy Internet together, and the built Global Energy Internet Group Co., Ltd. would do this job with three boards and a leading group. The headquarters of Global Energy Internet Company would be built in Beijing, and Global Energy Internet offices would be built in New York, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg respectively.

The Deputy Chief Accountant of State Grid and the General Manager of Overseas Investment Company of State Grid Li Ronghua also disclosed in this meeting that, they were planning to build a development cooperation organization for Global Energy Internet. At present, the transnational networking project of clean energy in East Africa had been started, European super power grid, the desert plan of North Africa to transmit electricity to Europe were boosted, and projects such as Asia-Europe networking project was in preparation and research.

According to the measurement of State Grid, at the time when Global Energy Internet was built, it would replace fossil energy equivalent to 24 billion tons of standard coal, with emission reduction of 67 billion tons of carbon dioxide, and the carbon emission could be controlled at about 11.5 billion, only half of that in 1990, as well as realize the goal of controlling global temperature rise within 2°C.

According to the planning of State Grid, the construction of Global Energy Internet can be divided into 3 phases.

The first phase is domestic interconnection. From now to 2020, speed up to boost the clean energy exploitation and domestic interconnection of power grids of all countries, greatly increase capability of power grid allocation, intelligentization level and clean energy proportion of all countries.

The second phase is interconnection within continent. From 2020 to 2030, promote large-scale energy base development within continent and transnational interconnection of power grid, realize optimal configuration of clean energy within continent with large scale, wide range and high efficiency.

The third phase is transnational interconnection. From 2030 to 2050, speed up energy base development in “One Pole & One Equator” (Arctic wind power, equatorial solar energy), basically build Global Energy Internet, realize world-wide clean energy occupied as leading target, and comprehensively solve problems such as global energy security, environmental pollution and greenhouse gases emission.

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