Ma Kai: China Needs to Push Charging Facilities of New Energy Automobile to Speed up Development

来源: 发布时间:2015年05月18日 阅读量:

      Recently, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC and Vice-Premier of the State Council Ma Kai investigated and surveyed deeply-charging facilities construction & operation and R&D manufacturing enterprises in Changzhou of Jiangsu, and presided over the symposium for popularization and application of new energy automobile. Ma Kai indicated that, since last year, the development of new energy automobile had presented gratifying situation, but charging facilities construction obviously fell behind industrial development, and had become the “bottleneck” for popularization and application of new energy automobile, which should be settled as soon as possible.

      Ma Kai emphasized that, complete charging facilities were an important safeguard for the popularization of new energy automobile, and all regions, all departments and the parties concerned should make more efforts, create external condition actively, and stimulate inner motive force of development, in order to speed up the development of the charging facilities of new energy automobile, according to the requirements of being market-oriented and innovation-driven, key point breakthrough and harmonious development.

     Ma Kai indicated that, local government should assume real entity responsibility, insist on adjusting measures to local conditions, combining the far with the near, and lay down complete planning guide and supportive policy. The department concerned should carry out comprehensive coordination, supervising and urging guidance carefully, practically solve prominent problems in links such as planning, construction, land using, electricity using, and build good environment for the industrial development of new-energy automobile. Encourage and support social capital to enter into the field of charging facilities construction and operation, innovate construction and operation mode, boost ”Internet+ charging facilities”, and realize sustainable development. Meanwhile, we should continue to boost technological innovation, strengthen key components and finished automobile technology R&D, and make efforts to realize revolutionary breakthrough of power battery technology, greatly promote the quality and level of new energy automobile.

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